In The Closet
There were several taboos in the past, that’s for sure. Aside from toilets and divorce, another one would be being gay. Robert Reed, aka Mike Brady, had been in the closet practically his whole life. His onscreen wife, Florence Henderson first realized that he seemed uncomfortable during romantic scenes. In private, Reed eventually admitted to her that he was gay. With this into consideration, the pair decided to find a way to make it work. They rehearsed some of their intimate scenes off-cam, so that they would look more couple-y whenever they are acting in front of the camera. In addition, the whole crew decided to keep Reed’s sexuality a secret – yep, even after he passed away.

In The Closet
Throughout the first few seasons, Susan Olsen had her hair bleached in order to keep it blonde. It was what the producers wanted. However, when Cindy’s fine baby hair began to come out in giant clumps, they stopped.
